Egregious displays of corporate negligence provoked little public outrage or regulatory response.
Government regulation is not the only safeguard for consumers against corporate negligence or corruption.
As Erin helps the victims of corporate negligence find redress, she herself finds confidence and a sense of purpose.
Civil juries stand as indispensable watchdogs over corporate negligence and corruption.
This would enable victims to claim damages without facing the difficult task of proving corporate negligence before receiving any compensation.
"Defamation from corporate negligence dealing with the fact that we supposedly knew that Johnson had a history of harassment."
Those who do not receive compensation often end up on some form of public assistance, with taxpayers footing the bill for corporate negligence.
The recall is an effort to limit liability for corporate negligence (which can cause costly legal penalties) and to improve or avoid damage to publicity.
It is synonymous with many things besides toxic waste, including corporate negligence, governmental neglect and community activism.
Was the breakthrough simply an accident, as the coal company contends, or the result of corporate negligence?