He corrects their statement, saying indeed that Kall is Elijah's successor and was told to do the work of God.
"The Governor has since corrected his statement to mean that some organized criminals had nothing to do with the Mafia, but came from other groups in society."
Martin nodded, trying to look as if all this was new to him; he nipped his tongue to help resist the temptation to correct her last statement.
Fiercely she continued, "I'd misunderstood your original question and I didn't correct my statement when Idid understand.
He corrected his statement as rapidly as possible.
Jeff corrects his statement and declares Maraamu the winning tribe.
He corrected his previous statement, saying that my body was not really stupid but somehow dormant.
Certainly he would not correct her statement.
I must correct my previous statement in the light of information I have received.
Nor did the President thereafter take any steps to correct the attorney's statement.