During the interview he is reported to have been most concerned with correcting inaccurate reports that he was a skilled concert pianist.
The announcment corrected initial reports on the incident.
OHS will instruct the recipient to correct reports where recipients indicate a final report but the project status is not complete or all funds have not yet been received and invoiced.
Correcting initial reports on the police killing of three unarmed Irish terrorist suspects in Gibraltar, the British Government announced today that no terrorist bomb had been found at the scene.
Mr. Gillespie's operation has also called newspapers to correct mistaken reports that Judge Roberts is a dues-paying member of the conservative Federalist Society (although he is active in its events) and provided talking points for guests on the Sunday morning television interview programs.
But avoid credit repair agencies that promise to correct reports for a fee.
The failure of many agencies to correct reports once errorshad been brought to their attention was particularly distressing, he said.
After the Los Angeles riots, Mayor Dinkins averted violence by quickly correcting false reports of rioting and looting in New York.
Their aim was to correct overly enthusiastic reports on the U.S. being circulated in Germany and also to show the darker side of American reality.
His refusal to correct reports with questionable content strained the organization's credibility, and dazzling achievements became an infrequent commodity.