The lover is disemboweled - usually by a hook-handed man - and the body left on the top of the car, while the fiancé cowers inside.
He made it into the welded shark cage at the back with only a few superficial wounds, slammed the hatch, and cowered inside.
Ben cowering inside in terror while his assailant kicked the door down, then dragged him out and stamped him to death.
There were two Mid-Aks foolishly firing at him from that position, with the majority of the 'Ak officers were still cowering inside.
"I think she might disagree," said Michelle, nodding toward Mrs. Pembroke, who cowered inside, staring through the curtains.
Someone will decide to experiment with matches or lock the door of a dark closet and abandon the sister cowering inside.
It will do all this while I cower inside.
She watched the rain and the wind from the cover of the porch while Useless cowered inside, whimpering.
"But you wouldn't have me begin my rule as king cowering timidly inside," replied Paul.
Puppetman, exhausted and weak, cowered inside.