The numbers, they say, may be fueled by crack use and homelessness.
But I don't see crack use going up or down, no matter what we've tried to do.
Much as a result of crack use and related crimes, the current jail population is almost 18,000, correction officials say.
However, these relatively easy procedures have created complex problems as the impact of increased crack use is being felt at public and private treatment centers.
The level of crack use has remained steady for more than a decade.
National surveys of the general population show the same falling off in crack use among the young.
But today, the cycle of crack use and prostitution has made it even more dangerous.
So how can you get to the truth of crack use?
If she then tested positive for crack use, her infant might be taken away.
After listening to some of the residents talk about crack use, he agreed that more needed to be done.