Another video has been credited as playing a role in sparking a "media blow-up" over the number of houses McCain was said to own.
He has been credited on some Mothers albums as playing "drums, vocals, and poverty".
He is also credited as playing piano and guitar on the record.
Kris Roe played all of the instruments on this record except for the drums, but was credited only as playing guitar and singing.
The organization is credited as playing a major role in Canada's international success.
Although they are credited as playing themselves, the actors play characters intended to represent their real personas.
Even though John Johnson is credited as playing on the album, he had previously left the group and only appears on the two live recordings.
This act is credited by political science scholars as playing a key role in creating the institutional presidency.
It was the first time in any Star Trek series where a person is credited as playing themselves.
The character is credited as playing himself.