Barry was often credited by the "Headman" with devising the strategies that proved most effective in shutting down opponents.
Antonio Stradivari, 1644 to 1737, is credited with devising the proportions of the modern violin, thus giving it a more powerful and rounded sound.
He had credited The Shadow with devising it.
Former head coach Elmer Layden is credited with devising the system of hand signals that officials use today.
He was credited with devising the now-standard system for kicking off a major marathon.
Eddington is credited with devising a measure of a cyclist's long distance riding achievements.
He is credited with devising the successful grassroots organizing model and training for Barack Obama's winning 2008 presidential campaign.
He is also credited with devising a test for acute pancreatitis.
Jack Maple, the late police strategist credited with devising many of the department's recent tactics, called the approach "putting the cops on dots."
He is also credited with devising such statistical measures as batting average and earned run average.