He crept a pace nearer to the entrance and peered out.
Heris crept nearer to the cave entrance, fighting down a surge of excitement that threatened to send her charging straight at Lepescu, no matter what.
It was slow work, but inch by inch Number Three crept nearer to the station.
He crept nearer to the cottage, orienting on its single faint light.
She found her fingertips creeping ever nearer to the puckered surrounds of that dark desire, and she had to force herself to stop.
Duvall crept nearer to the glass frontage.
Gandy crept nearer to the rockfall and leaned down to peer into the depths.
The boys crept nearer to the shouts.
And all the time we were creeping nearer to the total.
He crept nearer to it, and laid his ear against the wall.