In the United States and most other democracy, a person who does not pay a bill cannot be held criminally liable.
"From the onset," she said, "this office has held both individuals and corporations criminally liable for pollution."
They could also conclude that he is criminally liable for some other element of Enron's collapse.
A woman undergoing such an abortion would not be criminally liable.
Trade organizations said the case was the first in which an electrician had been held criminally liable for a death arising from his work.
The court held the defendant criminally liable even though he had no knowledge or reason to suspect the adulteration.
The Legislature passed a bill making parents criminally liable in such situations.
Officials have charged that all four are criminally liable as accomplices in the assault.
Also, I wouldn't make them criminally liable for their computer being taken over.
"The fact that they were all working together made them all criminally liable."