He also criticized organized religion as based on mythology and as a divisive force between peoples.
It may not be unprecedented, but it is certainly unusual for a television drama to criticize religion.
Smear Campaign is a concept album criticising religion in general.
A couple of the songs on Blind Melon criticize religion.
The barmaid functions as the voice of reason when criticizing the Abrahamic religions or religion in general.
It's considered illegitimate or in bad taste to criticize religion.
Many of their songs criticize religion or discuss political or philosophical topics.
Antonelli, the government agent who had reported the group, wrote in his statement that at least one of the papers criticised Russian politics and religion.
While the characters are Christian, the book was published for a mainstream audience and neither promotes nor criticizes organized religion.
The band is best known for its socially conscious songs criticizing Russian political elites and religion.