Spook crouched quietly atop a building in the wealthier section of Urteau.
I thought for sure Vissith and his companion males were next, but instead the females only crouched menacingly atop them, howling.
The remaining Pointers stared, too stunned to react, as she crouched atop their companion.
Then I was crouching atop the monastery's outer wall, surveying the scene within.
It crouched atop a hill and it was surrounded by a thick stone wall with watchtowers at each corner.
The painting incorporates a variety of imagery associated with these ideas, depicting a mare's head and a demon crouched atop the woman.
He crouched for a long time atop the wall and the place was empty.
Theseus and Daedalus crouched together atop the little cliff, squinting into the morning sunlight, holding consultation.
They rounded a corner by the mosque and saw the marines for the first time, crouching atop the roof, their guns pointed outward.
Colonel Macklin called, from where he crouched atop the other body.