In the cumulative emissions between 1850 and 2007 the top emitters were: 1.
The higher the cumulative emissions over this time period, the greater the level of warming is projected to occur.
In the cumulative emissions between 1850 and 2007 US was top country 28.8% of the world total.
In general, countries with larger cumulative emissions are wealthier countries with more developed infrastructures, and the per-capita approaches can therefore impede developmental justice.
In the ""cumulative emissions between 1850 and 2007"" Russia was third top emitter following: 1.
Over a long time period, cumulative emissions provide an indication of a country's total contribution to GHG concentrations in the atmosphere.
Pakistan's cumulative emissions over the period 1850-2005 was 2.4 billion metric tons.
This measurement type is called historical or cumulative emissions.
Banuri et al. (1996, p. 94) calculated per capita cumulative emissions based on then-current population.
It is the US that is the most responsible, with its cumulative emissions coming to 28.8% of the world's total as compared to China's 9%.