Probably the same way that Mexico did not so long after it was hit by a devastating currency collapse: exports.
No country was harder hit by the region's currency collapse than Indonesia.
They ignored all the noise about Asia and currency collapses.
But that can be expensive, since the companies borrowed heavily to make acquisitions before the Asian currency collapse and are now paying sky-high interest rates.
History shows us that gold is a useful hedge against currency collapse.
Unfortunately, in the event of currency collapse, the state confiscates private holdings of gold.
In 1997, a currency collapse in Thailand set off a global financial meltdown.
The economy became addicted to borrowing on a huge scale, culminating in a currency collapse and a default in the summer of 1998.
A recession arrived, perhaps exacerbated by currency collapse in Germany and an earthquake that devastated Japan.
Someohow the proletariat are best served by currency collapse, and hunger.