We have to do everything we can to insure currency stability or the single market will not work.
The Japanese stock market, eager for currency stability, soared at the news of the accord.
Commitments on economic stimuli, lower worldwide interest rates and real currency stability would be hammered out.
The idea was to give businesses and ordinary people in the European Community something they needed: currency stability.
The virtue of this system is that questions of currency stability no longer apply.
He said that currency stability was certainly desirable but could not be an overriding concern.
For their part, American officials indicated that currency stability was of less importance to them than averting a recession.
What effects will these comprehensive exemption provisions have on currency stability?
Even the most strongly stability-orientated central banks assume that inflation rates of less than 2 % actually mean currency stability.
Steady growth in trade and investment among the three North American partners is impossible without a degree of currency stability.