In fact, academic studies show that currency swings have little impact on performance when overseas investments account for less than 10 percent of a portfolio.
What's more, the nation's big multinationals have found ways to insulate themselves from currency swings.
The influx of foreigners is based partly on currency swings.
In the 1980's, the company estimates, currency swings drained away $3.5 billion in earnings.
"It's one thing to come upon a surplus because of currency swings and the like," she said at a breakfast meeting with reporters.
And while companies have reduced their vulnerability to currency swings, many domestic loans are still backed by stocks.
Not surprisingly, the impact of the currency swing has varied widely from industry to industry.
Agreements calling for both parties to share the impact of the currency swings have been common.
It is still a problem, of course, trying to keep up with currency swings.
Funds can diversify, and they often hedge against currency swings.