The current calendar encompasses 251 financial centers in 103 countries.
This is the only minor fast that can fall on a Friday under the current fixed Jewish calendar.
The centre follows the current calendar but 610 offset - 2013 the year 1403 is depicted.
After using the current calendar to transform the dates into localized objects, the method compares the day, month, and year components.
Check out the current calendar of events, and be sure to check back often as more events are added.
This calendar is almost identical to the current Western calendar.
The current primary calendar has been designed by national Democratic leaders as a juggernaut.
More than 100 workshops are on A3's current calendar, which begins tomorrow and runs through Labor Day.
The ancient calendar of the giant empire is said to have 13 months, whereas the current calendar has 12.
In the current calendar year, there has as yet been no request for the mobilisation of this Fund.