Dahakwas even older than his current surroundings, but the huge starship didn'tfeel old.
But the traveling habitat being shown on the TV still looked small compared to Bruce's current surroundings.
For the manacled young woman in the adjoining interview room her current surroundings were something of a step up.
"So were you, as your current surroundings go to prove."
The Doctor surveyed the chamber one more time, determining that he'd learned all he could from his current surroundings.
However, individuals might respond differently to the same situation depending on how their experience predisposes them to define their current surroundings.
In addition, opportunities are dependent on the individual's current surroundings and consequential factors.
The board and administration of the center said the move is necessary because the program has outgrown its current surroundings.
But the 75,000-square-foot building that will go up at 199 Bowery will stand apart from its current surroundings.
During those trips, he said, he finds the inspiration necessary to block out his current surroundings.