The military says actual and planned attacks have been on the rise, and it has carried out almost daily raids in the West Bank recently.
American commanders say information provided by Iraqis has been instrumental in almost daily raids to round up insurgents.
The French troops and Mi'kmaq attacked the wall of the fort each night and conducted daily raids around the ramparts.
The conditions were desperate as the Circassians would mount almost daily raids on the Russian positions.
Iraqi forces and Marines have maintained their own pressure, rounding up insurgents in daily raids, house-to-house searches and random vehicle checkpoints.
There were daily raids by the immigration people; for some reason, I never got picked up.
Israel continued in daily military raids onto Palestinian cities and towns to arrest militants and destroy terror facilities.
All the while, the army continued its daily raids into Palestinian towns in search of militants.
It was used in the Gulf War when eight B-52s flew on daily raids to Iraq.
The daily raids that had been continuing in the more remote districts ceased, and the movement dissolved.