The declaration emphasised the importance of national human rights institutions and encouraged states to establish such bodies.
The declaration sought by the West would also emphasize cuts in conventional weapons and endorse efforts to negotiate a ban on chemical weapons, diplomats say.
The declaration emphasizes the right of Indigenous peoples, some of which include the protection of sacred sites and their religious practices.
This declaration emphasises the key role of anaesthesiology in promoting safe perioperative care.
The declaration emphasizes that the Constitution explicitly requires states to deliver "person(s) held in service or labor" back to their state of origin.
In conveying for the first time a positive assessment of other religious traditions, the declaration emphasises dialogue between people rather than systems.
The joint declaration on building policy emphasises the importance of a medium- to long-term approach to building.
This declaration emphasizes the importance of access to the ballot, access to the electorate, access to information and freedom of assembly.
The declaration also emphasises the need for economic reform.
The declaration also listed responsibilities of employers, stated the rights of workers, and emphasized the importance of promoting a culture of safety.