Ultimately, the 1811 declaration of independence failed when the vice royalty of Guatemala sent troops to San Salvador in order to crush the movement.
The 12,000-page declaration Iraq submitted last month conspicuously failed this test.
The declaration failed to comfort her as he'd hoped.
Unfortunately, this declaration fails totally to move us in the direction of a peaceful solution.
He senses that his declaration fails to win for him the immediate embrace of the assemblage.
The governor also made no specific reference to the "murder plot" until after his declaration of a State of Emergency had failed to restore order quickly.
Mr. Singh's declarations of loyalty have failed to dampen the speculation.
It is a pity that the declarations of the Lisbon Goals still fail to be matched with real actions.
However, the declaration must not fail to talk about the Constitution.
The declaration totally fails to address what we had learned about Iraq's prohibited weapons programs before the inspectors were effectively forced out in 1998.