The decline in the fishery coincided with growth in the service industry, and specifically tourism.
This decline also coincided with the rise of New Wave music in Europe around this time.
A dozen people interviewed for this article all said that Kordic's rapid decline coincided with the death of his father.
Its position of prominence began to crumble in the 1990s, and this decline coincided with the anti-apartheid revolution in that country.
The decline in bill rates coincided with a slide in the overnight rate for bank loans in the Federal funds market.
The decline coincided with a Moslem holiday that paralyzed some ports.
Further, this decline coincides with the closing of the adjacent Wantsum Channel.
Unfortunately, the decline in teaching loads coincides with a rise in public concern about the quality of undergraduate education.
It's a character in the show because its decline coincided with the experience of America at that time.
The decline in breeding success has coincided with very cool spring weather.