At the Treasury's regular weekly bill auction held Monday, interest rates declined moderately.
The number of announcers is expected to decline moderately through the year 2018.
The number of farmers and ranchers who own their own farms is expected to decline moderately through 2018.
Stock prices declined moderately yesterday in slow end-of-the-year trading.
Employment of news analysts, reporters, and correspondents is expected to decline moderately through 2018.
Stock prices declined moderately in brisk trading before the Fourth of July holiday weekend.
Between 1973 and 1984, income equality deteriorated to the level of the late 1940's, while average family incomes were declining moderately.
As a result, prices of Treasury notes and bonds declined moderately in very light dealings.
Most drug stock prices declined moderately yesterday as investors digested this latest evidence of Clinton Administration displeasure with the health-care industry.
Yields on bills also declined moderately, with a three-month bill at 5.69 percent, down 3 basis points, or hundredths of a percentage point, from Monday.