On-line pornography One version would require commercial Web sites to restrict access to material deemed harmful to minors.
Violent pictures may be deemed harmful, but nobody would argue that children shouldn't learn about the Holocaust.
He eventually sued the company in Florida, arguing that it had violated a law against sale of sexual materials deemed harmful to minors.
The case could affect laws in 48 other states that regulate the display of materials deemed harmful to minors.
The regulations stipulate that the Government can penalize anyone for sending or receiving anything it deems harmful to public order.
The agency exercises veto power over experiments deemed harmful to whales and seals.
Critics wonder if news judgments will be bent, with executives suppressing news deemed harmful to corporate interests.
In earlier seasons, Sheila would often spearhead public opposition to things she deemed harmful to children or to the Jewish community.
Blocking and filtering software also blocks all pornography (40% of content deemed harmful to minors comes from overseas).
It also could be used to ban the publication here of foreign news reports, films or photographs deemed harmful to the public order.