He used the Holy Office to suppress the Spirituali, a Catholic group that was deemed heretical.
The Mission, built for holy purpose, deserted, then turned to an endeavor its architects would surely have deemed heretical, was once again sanctified.
In these respects and in others the Culdees departed from the established rules of the Romish church, and consequently were deemed heretical.
Unfortunately, in the geocentric world of the time, Aristarchus' heliocentric theory was deemed outlandish and heretical.
The Nazarenes, holding to orthodoxy except in their adherence to Jewish law, were not deemed heretical until the dominance of orthodoxy in the 4th century.
Sometime between 1296 and 1306 it was deemed heretical, and the Bishop of Cambrai condemned it to be publicly burned in her presence at Valenciennes.
On her death, Blake's manuscripts were inherited by Frederick Tatham, who burned some he deemed heretical or politically radical.
It is notable that these pieces of music survived the ban in 1569 when the government under the Duke of Alba censured all books that were deemed heretical.
The idea that the Creator could possibly have made two sets of humanity was deemed heretical, and the flat-earth theory was given full backing.
All others were deemed heretical.