If any portion of a work was deemed obscene, the entire work could be outlawed.
Under the Colorado Constitution, materials must be intolerable, not just offensive or unacceptable, to be deemed obscene.
The concern of the university was that the work might be deemed obscene.
In particular, movies were subject to a barrage of local ordinances banning screenings that were deemed immoral or obscene.
Until the 1990s, the entire pubic region, including hair, was deemed obscene and unpublishable .
At present, the National Endowment requires grant recipients to agree in writing not to use the money for work that might be deemed obscene or blasphemous.
The judge said that in a small community the videos could perhaps be deemed obscene.
However, the issue was banned and confiscated, because it was deemed obscene.
It is the first album in history to be deemed legally obscene.