It has no confirmed historical eruptions (one in 1946 is now deemed questionable), but its youngest eruptive products are apparently Holocene in age.
However, the ability of the SFUO to pull any content they deemed questionable quickly lead to dissent on the part of both newspapers.
Gabriel Millet, a French Byzantinist, considered the early kommerkiarioi as merchants of the Byzantine emperor, but his views are deemed questionable.
He was deemed questionable before the Virginia Tech game, but did see action.
The final group is companies whose previous results are now deemed questionable.
The Cards shelter was deemed questionable by the I.R.S. in December 1999.
In addition, the party has returned $2.8 million in contributions from last year's Presidential campaign that it has deemed illegal or questionable.
The rest were European half-castes, whose fighting capabilities were deemed questionable.
The appearance of impropriety is a phrase referring to a situation whose ethics are deemed questionable.
There are two famous accounts of his final moments, though they are both deemed questionable in their authenticity.