Michael House was deemed beyond economic repair and demolished.
The ship was eventually deemed beyond saving, and it was deemed a public hazard.
In 2011 all of the remaining wagons were deemed beyond repair and scrapped, with the wheelsets retained.
Shouldn't this struggle be deemed beyond the reach of politics and coercion?
As a deterrent to future horrors, he said, certain kinds of atrocities have to be deemed beyond the possibility of amnesty.
Both port engines were deemed beyond repair and replaced with engines in the trust's stocks.
Most of the surviving examples were deemed beyond repair and scrapped, with slightly over 300 still existing.
The policy led to the demolition of some tower blocks and prefabricated buildings which were deemed beyond repair or too expensive to refurbish.
This achievement bespeaks a degree of understanding that the thinkers of past centuries would have deemed beyond price.
By the time the affected leg was amputated, the disease had spread to 11 sites in his lungs and was deemed beyond surgical hope.