But there are deep inequalities in the position of women which deserve analysis.
So it is not - as some commentators claimed - that the catastrophe laid bare the deep inequalities of American society.
"How can we look our Arab neighbors in the eye while we have such deep inequality in this country?"
The library provides a vital service due to the deep economic inequalities here.
These disparities in regional enrolment levels reflect deeper inequalities in the distribution of income, wealth and essential services.
Brazil inherited a highly traditional and stratified class structure from its colonial period with deep inequality.
It is a tragic cycle, condemning us to ever deeper inequality, and in the long run, almost no one benefits but the agents of repression themselves.
The report also sidesteps the underlying causes of migration, which are rooted in increasingly deep inequality.
These policies lead to deep and unacceptable social inequalities, caused by capitalist exploitation and concentration.
It creates deeper inequalities than those derived from the different purchasing power.