The delegation presented a memorandum demanding immediate integration of all blacks in the armed services.
The chancellor issued a statement today condemning the attack after a delegation of black students presented him a list of demands.
On April 14, 1865, a delegation presented him with a silver picture frame at an impromptu ceremony in a White House hallway.
The Palestinian delegation presented Israel with a new 10-point framework for talks on self rule in the occupied territories on Sept. 1.
Another delegation presented statistics on the importance of recreational facilities and park space to physical health.
A 20-member Lithuanian delegation presented the case for incorporation in Moscow on August 1.
The delegation presented Ohio's case and urged the President to act swiftly to address the situation.
He actually offered to accompany whatever delegation we send and help present the argument for us.
On October 4, the Polish delegation, after consultations with Piłsudski, presented a counter-offer.
The delegations were presenting the claims of their several cities to the next year's convention.