The demon was approaching, pausing to pluck up the men-at-arms and dash them against the walls.
He expected to see the radiant-eyed demon - swollen to greater and stranger dimensions - approaching menacingly through the storm.
As demons approached the group, Santo fought them off, but then seemingly exploded when he tried to shoot his fists at them.
"Yes, my master," the smaller demon answered, cowering as it approached the mushroom throne.
Five armed demons approached us in the car park; level twenty or thirty.
Wuntvor looked up helplessly as the three demons approached.
The demon approached, and Ben rose to meet it.
The great demon watched with amusement as the blind man approached the rack.
A single demon approached, walking toward them along the highway, "That will be the negotiator," Mym said.
Ceri held her breath as the demon approached us, his face down and wide shoulders hunched.