While the novel interposed fiction with portrayals of actual persons residing in the Missouri Ozarks, in the early Branson area, the film departed markedly from the book's presentations.
So I depart from Goldstein markedly, despite his having cited my remarks.
While their material properties depart markedly from those of diamond, simulants have certain desired characteristics-such as dispersion and hardness-which lend themselves to imitation.
The statement issued at the close of the meeting did not depart markedly from past policies.
Her third novel, Crows over a Wheatfield, was published by Hyperion in 1996 and departed markedly from her two previous comic novels.
But this also markedly departs from the competitive mode in that everyone is permitted to claim victory in the end.
Environmentalists said they did not expect Mr. Lujan to depart markedly from the policies of the Reagan Administration.
In 2011 the site departed markedly from its original intent of helping users calculate a comprehensive power footprint of their lives.
The Supreme Court then looked to the new work as a whole, finding that 2 Live Crew thereafter departed markedly from the Orbison lyrics, producing otherwise distinctive music.
When the movie, starring Fred Astaire, was finally made, its plot departed markedly from the Wodehouse source.