Three years later Scribner also retained Flagg to design a refined loft building on the site of his old house at 10 East 38th Street.
In 1979, the owners commissioned Roy Grounds, Boyd's former partner, to design a small library on the site.
Fox & Fowle, the architect, has designed a building of 600,000 gross square feet with a throughblock arcade on the 40,000-square-foot site.
Herbert J. Rowse was commissioned to design a new hall on the site of the previous hall.
The building was designed by Edward Tuckerman Potter who designed the earlier church on the site.
Designed on the remains of previous castles on the site, it took almost two centuries to build.
The building was designed by Philip Ohm, who also designed many tenements on the site.
Within two days Petre had been asked to design a new church on the site.
The current building was designed by the British architectural design firm Levitt Bernstein on the site of an existing hall of residence.
In fact, I designed this museum in 1984 on the site of the existing museum, which was demolished.