It was one of the first "designer steroids" to be marketed as a performance-enhancing drug to athletes and bodybuilders.
He reportedly testified that he had used "the clear" and "the cream," which authorities said were designer steroids.
Another way for athletes to avoid detection involves designer steroids that are undetectable with conventional drug testing.
It would be naïve for any of us to think that there aren't designer steroids out there.
The paper reported that these substances were probably designer steroids.
"We now know THG was not a unique case of designer steroids."
Scientists could confront designer steroids more aggressively, he said, anticipating their use and devising tests for them.
The development of designer steroids resembles a lizard's tail.
We really don't know how many athletes are using designer steroids, but things will become clear in the coming months.
The incident confirmed for Catlin what he had long suspected, that designer steroids were on the loose.