And her violent, destructive rages - and ideas of reference, that everyone was being mean to her.
Such was the destructive rage of these Aristocrats on the ever-memorable Tenth.
He started to shut off the pain signals, like a weary servant picking up the litter of breakables after an employer's destructive rage.
The others did not end their destructive rage until every pane of glass had been reduced to shards.
Micky felt an anger brewing different from her usual destructive rage.
Rael proposed marriage to Seira, was rejected, and flew into a destructive rage.
It is as though we cannot reach an expression that is midway between total holding in and violent, destructive rage.
His antics caused a prisoner to go on a path of destructive rage, but Batman, already at Corps headquarters, recaptures the prisoner.
I have no wish to return to the Empire, with all its petty politics, hatreds, and destructive rages.
Nine Inch Nails finds comfort in destructive rage.