International development secretary who denied claim by the BBC he was a plot supporter.
Andrew Mitchell, the international development secretary, talking to female police officers in Somaliland this week.
Andrew Mitchell, the international development secretary, is perched on the side of a truck talking to female police officers in Somaliland.
"You cannot begin to understand development without putting girls and women at the heart of your aid policies," says Andrew Mitchell, the international development secretary.
She has nothing but praise for Andrew Mitchell, the international development secretary, whom she shadows.
Later, from 4.30pm until 6pm, Douglas Alexander, the international development secretary, will be giving evidence about his department's work in Iraq since 2007.
The international development secretary also unveiled extra help for 329,000 malnourished children and pregnant and breastfeeding mothers.
He recalls Hilary Benn, the international development secretary, asking for $30m.
Andrew Mitchell, the development secretary, at a camp for Pakistan flood victims last year.
- Douglas Alexander, the international development secretary, claimed for a chimney sweep at a cost of £105.