While a different strain of psychoanalytic theory and research, the findings in attachment studies have continued to support the validity of the developmental progressions described in object relations.
'Decalage', or unpredicted gaps in the developmental progression, suggest that the stage model is at best a useful approximation.
Diapause typically involves as a period of developmental arrest during which an insect is resistant to environmental influences on developmental progression [ 2 ] .
Further research is therefore necessary to determine the influence of fluctuating temperatures on developmental progression, both with respect to developmental abnormalities and developmental rate.
As a genus it contains species which show a developmental progression from C3 photosynthesis to C4 photosynthesis.
The mouse and human TM and SC have similar structures, and the developmental progression is similar except for the accelerated time frame in mice.
A. pisum embryos do, however, show resistance to environmental influences on developmental progression.
A developmental progression of toilet training emerges during the first four years of life.
The developmental progression is not linear, but occurs in overlapping waves.
"Yes, there's a simple developmental progression involved in this set."