A large hollow, with a diameter of 4.5m, exists inside the tree.
The average fibre production for does is 216 g at 15 m diameter.
It has a 34m spread, 20m height and 2.31m diameter at 1m above ground which is the narrowest point.
The size has been estimated at 17 m diameter with a mass of 10,000 or 11,000 tonnes.
They both have a 10 m diameter primary mirror.
The trunk can be as large as 0.5 m diameter.
The consortium operates two telescopes of 3.5m and 0.9m diameters.
The instrument module was 1m long and 2.4m diameter.
The core was 1.6 m high by 1 m diameter.
The mosque is capped with a golden dome of about 8.5m diameter.