Other directors would also criticize the United Kingdom frequently even though the organization is based in London.
The director of the factory, Vladimir Vinsak, 39, criticized Mr. Davis for not concentrating his efforts on fish.
He often filmed for six days a week at an average of twelve hours a day, yet some directors still criticized him for not working hard enough.
The director of that movie, Herbert Ross, has since criticized her work as one-dimensional, suggesting she should take formal acting lessons.
Many directors of Houston's social service agencies criticized the plan, saying that while it was well intentioned it was unnecessary.
In the audition, the director criticized her but she told her she did well.
The director of Vienna's prestigious state opera company recently criticized the choir, which sings with the opera, for uneven performances.
But some directors criticized him for working behind their backs and turned down the offer.
The Hungarian release was postponed after the director had criticised the country's government in an interview.