The waiter slipped discreetly out of view again.
When they fell onto the porch swing in a tangle of arms and legs and joy, Thomas discreetly slipped into the house.
The very fortunate indeed slip discreetly into Brighton's better restaurants.
What could be simpler than to discreetly slip away during the race?
Setting aside the plate on the end of a banquet table, Pardek slipped discreetly away from his fellow senators.
Soviet officials and our Cuban friends are discreetly slipping out of the city in small groups.
Somehow, he had to discreetly slip her away from the villa and off the island.
That was the word yesterday after she discreetly slipped out of the crowded news conference.
Yet many of his regular passengers discreetly slip him Christmas envelopes bearing tips from $5 to $175.
(That is when you do the old, "No, we're not doing anything tonight," he said - and then discreetly slip out for an unchaperoned evening.)