"Its like an ongoing annuity," said Richard Berner, chief domestic economist for Morgan Stanley.
"We're creating jobs," said Nigel Gault, chief domestic economist at Global Insight, an economic research firm.
"We don't know which way manufacturing and the economy will go," said William Dudley, chief domestic economist at Goldman, Sachs.
In time, as the need to assert sexual identification declines, that term may be replaced by domestic economist despite objections from learned practitioners of the dismal science.
"It's a very different business cycle," said William Dudley, chief domestic economist at Goldman Sachs, the investment firm.
Some domestic and international economists have argued that China should seize the opportunity presented by its trade and financial surpluses to begin liberalizing the yuan.
"This latest report is unmistakable evidence of an improving economy," said Nigel Gault, chief domestic economist for Global Insights.
Often (with qualifying words), a woman who manages her household with skill and thrift, a domestic economist.
"Not every single indicator is going to look like a boom," said Richard Berner, chief domestic economist for Morgan Stanley.
Both domestic and international economists have supported a recent upsurge in South Korean consumer debt, which has helped fuel economic expansion.