The teams' dominance, combined with the fact that they played in major media markets, led to their being featured more often than other teams.
The Bears' dominance led to the "T" becoming the standard football offense.
The dominance of traditional elements favoring close ties with France led, however, to the end of unity.
This military dominance of Tenochtitlan gradually led to this city becoming the dominant power in the alliance.
Savonarola's dominance at the end of the cinquecento led to a prolific period for the lauda.
The total dominance in table tennis and badminton also leads to negative consequences.
US Airways' dominance of those airports has led to higher fares and limited competition over the years.
This dominance has led to high production-volume components, which in turn have allowed extremely low cost per bit.
This dominance has led to the program seeking higher quality competition in order to create a challenging environment where players can develop.