Research identifies the dominant strain of H5N1 as the "Z genotype".
A similar phenomenon is occurring in South America, where the formerly dominant strain is about to be replaced by others.
Researchers had believed that they could develop a vaccine against the dominant strain in a geographic region.
That may explain why bathroom humor has become the dominant strain in movie comedy.
Before the last half of the third century it is inaccurate to speak of a dominant strain of Christianity.
However, he wasn't representative of the dominant strains in 20th-century intellectual life, being very critical of many trends in modern thought.
The dominant strain of annual flu in January 2006 was H3N2.
And the flu shots only protect against what are expected to be the dominant strains that year.
Federal flu-watchers say the Taiwan flu, which plagued the nation last winter, may not be the dominant strain this winter.
But the same religious view that guides the dominant political strain in Utah is leading others to question Mr. Bush.