Off camera, Ms. Grace possesses a warm, down-home charm.
The park is an 1880's-themed experience that fits Branson's vision as a family-friendly vacation destination with down-home charm.
You can see why with his down-home charm he'd be good at opening-night dinners.
It wouldn't take many poots to tip a book this slender into the realm of sugary down-home charm.
Such down-home charm has helped produce three top-rated recruiting classes in a row and may also be the secret ingredient to an unprecedented third consecutive national championship.
For dinner, add table service and candlelight, and the place goes upscale without losing its down-home charm.
I grinned, and introduced her to Jyp, who turned on his down-home charm.
Throughout, a demure down-home charm and professionalism mask an impenetrable emotional reserve.
With his talent and considerable stage presence, though, the boy ought to learn to differentiate between down-home charm and show business slickness.
Don't let the down-home charms of Margaret Maron's Southern mysteries con you with their coziness.