A development project would bring new lighting and active use to what is now a dreary stretch of ill-maintained land.
Some of the best Thai food in the state is offered here in a small, ordinary-looking restaurant along a dreary stretch of highway.
Strong words, to be sure, for a business that lies in near-anonymity, among a dreary stretch of warehouses on a dead-end road.
Its main strip was called Todd Street, a dreary stretch of asphalt that dated back to the days of horses and hitching posts.
The turns of the story stand out more sharply, but the reader is asked to hike some dreary stretches.
The human actors, like the audience, must also weather dreary stretches when Draco the dragon is nowhere in sight.
The show has dreary stretches, but it leaves a sweetly haunting afterglow.
To explore this scene I set out by taxi, down the dreary stretch of Piraeus Street.
Seemingly overnight, my dreary stretch of Second Avenue had morphed into a corridor of despair.
This takes you through a rather dreary, still-unreconstructed stretch of Gorbals, Glasgow's notorious slum that has been much cleaned up in recent decades.