Mrs. McLean, one of the wives, states that you can't expect more from someone who was raised by her drunken brother.
The extended Woodforde family, including James's frequently drunken brothers, figure prominently in these Somerset years.
Good, I'm not in the mood to discuss my drunken brother with anyone, much less with the captain of this ship!
The drunken brothers appeared angry and petulant, and the old doctor, who had just downed another entire glass of red wine, was merely shaking his head.
Plus I fell for Lew Ayres in his role as tragic drunken brother.
He then finds his drunken brother Walter (Josh Groban) passed out in the liquor closet.
Gloria's hostile drunken brother starts a fistfight and a news reporter takes photographs that cause a scandal.
"You've no right to be up there, you and your drunken brother!"
The slave obeyed, as the drunken brother rampaged out.