Grenada's current account balance has remained in large deficit due to its heavy dependence on import of most consumer goods and domestic investment.
Due to its dependence on their oil, the United States (and the rest of the world) is powerless to do anything about this.
It had a very restricted natural habitat due to its dependence on the tree for nesting, feeding and roosting.
The development of the oil industry is important due to the country's dependence on the importation of all petroleum products from neighbouring states.
Due to its dependence on water transport, the railroad only operated during the ice-free seasons.
Magic carpets are limited to shallow grades due to their dependence on friction between the carpet and the bottom of the ski or board.
Jack's leadership at Newman did not last long due to his dependence on painkillers.
A bailer is an essential tool that is important to the municipality due to its dependence on the sea.
A strong Canadian dollar is having a dampening effect on economic growth in that country, due to the nation's dependence on exports.
Due to their seemingly high dependence on sprawling forest, they are highly effected by habitat destruction.