I was just a guy knocking around on the streets trying to get some of my dumb songs heard.
The song's dumb, but her voice has a nice Fiona Apple-esque sound to it.
I edit a lot, even the dumb songs.
The dumb songs are the hardest to write.
Now that's a really lame and dumb song, but that's what we liked about it.
It was a dumb song and I didn't like it at the time but it suits the moment now and makes me cry.
I have to admit the music video and the song is corny, but that doesnt mean its the first dumbest song ever.
Million-selling duo's album delivers brash and dumb songs bordering on the misogynistic.
Tired old poems work, dumb songs work, honesty works, lies work, every trick in the book works.
Some dumb song by the Thompson Twins was playing.