They are used to dump material from space onto a planet's surface.
People who live near either of the brooks tend to dump leaves and other materials into the water.
"The reality is that you often have no idea where a company may have dumped material."
If you'll ride in it, go right over, have them dump all those tools and materials and hurry on out here.
The two proposed dumping spots have already been used to dump dredged material for at least 20 years without significant impact, he added.
How about the countries dumping radioactive material into our oceans which they tire not of dewhaling?
The old tips were formed by dumping material at the top and allowing it to fall into its natural angle of repose.
The city normally charges $40 a cubic yard for dumping such material at Fresh Kills.
They also warned that it was risky to dump radioactive material without means to monitor and, if necessary, retrieve it.
The police charged the five with dumping hazardous materials in the Atlantic Ocean on July 19.