In another section, five drainpipes poke up like periscopes, in a place where there was probably a "school sink," a communal place to dump liquid refuse.
Many of these steps have been resisted by the business community, but it may be more receptive when it is explained that the costs of dumping refuse are about to go up.
Costs to transport the ash out of the county would be passed on to taxpayers and consumers, since private haulers also dump refuse at the plant.
It is not a zoning dispute or the war in Iraq that has Yellowknifers all steamed up, but the Yellowknife municipal garbage dump - and the prospect that the city might impose a fee for dumping everyday refuse.
The police, on a report that somebody had dumped refuse from the hotel windows, invaded McCarthy headquarters, beat down resisters and were herding the bloodied and terrified "kids" down to the lobby.
The area was slowly reclaimed by dumping refuse.
A nonbinding moratorium has been in place on low-level radioactive waste disposal at sea for a decade, and the United States has not issued a license to dump such refuse since 1970.
In recent years other cruise lines have been fined at least six times for dumping oil and refuse.
The built up surrounding urban neighbourhood would have suffered air pollution from the decomposing dumped municipal refuse.
Endless regulations on waste sorting or recovery methods are of no value as long as it is cheaper for firms to dump refuse in the fields of a neighbouring state.