When the Feds start up those steps give the guy the works and dump him through the opening.
The bomb's capacitors dumped their charge through an osmium wire.
Filled bags were being carried toward openings in the far wall, dumped through there.
In two days it looks like my body dumped 2 pounds of water through the power of asparagus.
He dumped that car through the bridge in A-1 style.
I dump it in the lake, through the window, but there's nothing to disinfect the bucket with.
"So as they dump and send it through the water column, it'll hit the beaches when the tide turns."
"Try a straight data dump through the optical port," Petersen suggested.
This brawny type just dumped it through the door of the police station and started away.
It dumped 500,000 gallons of water through the first floor and into the basement.